Looking to adjust your weight and speed up your metabolism?

Greespi is a natural solution that helps to control weight safely and restore a healthy metabolism.
Excess weight
Excess weight

When it comes to dealing with being overweight, it's important to take a holistic and healthy approach. Start by changing your eating habits: choose healthy, balanced meals, reduce your intake of fatty and acidic foods, and avoid overeating. Greespi makes it easy to achieve a comfortable weight by ensuring that you stay healthy.

Type 2 diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
Type 2 diabetes (diabetes mellitus)

Changes in lifestyle caused by rapid urbanization are driving diabetes, a metabolic disease, to become the third leading cause of death worldwide. The search for effective natural anti-diabetic therapies is crucial to combat diabetes and its related consequences due to the adverse side effects of currently available anti-diabetic treatments.

High blood sugar levels
High blood sugar levels

High blood sugar levels below the level of diagnosed diabetes are called insulin resistance or pre-diabetes. This means that the body's cells become less sensitive to insulin, which is important for regulating blood sugar levels. Prediabetes is a serious condition that can lead to type 2 diabetes if not properly treated.

High cholesterol levels
High cholesterol levels

Greespi is an excellent source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), a substance that helps to lower cholesterol levels, especially among older people.

High-calorie diet
High-calorie diet

The body needs to get nutrients from food. However, an excess of calories can lead to negative consequences, such as excess weight and related diseases. Greespi is a low-calorie, low-fat and cholesterol-free source of protein and other important nutrients. Two servings of Greespi can replace a meal, providing the necessary nutrients without excessive caloric intake, without causing nutritional starvation.


Why Greespi - is a healthy way to achieve the weight you want?

A few more important bonuses from the daily consumption of Greespi:

  • For intestinal health

    The polysaccharides found in Greespi serve as food for the beneficial bacteria in the gut, supporting their activity and contributing to a better microbiome. They also slow down the absorption of sugars, which helps to control blood glucose values and maintain stable energy levels. Consumption of Greespi promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the GIT and reduces the population of harmful ones.


  • For restoring your natural beauty

    The high quality protein present in Greespi is an important source of collagen, the most abundant protein in our body. Collagen plays a key role in maintaining youthful and beautiful skin. Thanks to the easily digestible amino acids contained in Greespi, the body can effectively synthesize new proteins essential for skin repair, hair and nail strengthening.


  • In case of heartburn

    Left untreated, acid reflux can lead to serious complications, such as breathing problems, inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis), and narrowing of the esophagus. This problem is getting more and more common, so although the market offers reflux treatments, Greespi is worth paying attention to. This natural product provides numerous benefits for gastrointestinal health without side effects. When you have heartburn, try a serving of Greespi, and after 15 minutes you will feel better.


  • Greespi is your personal nutritionist

    Greespi saturates the body with important nutrients without burdening the digestive system, making it an ideal addition to your diet.  Only 14 kcal per two servings! Greespi reduces the accumulation of visceral fat (the fat that accumulates near important internal organs). Moreover, Greespi improves insulin sensitivity and reduces food cravings, which helps to control weight.

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