The importance of a balanced diet for different ages and genders with Greespi

Автор: Tata Grabovska

~ 14 хв. читання

01 August 2024

The importance of a balanced diet

A balanced diet is one that provides our bodies with the necessary nutrients for optimal functioning. You may have heard the sayings: "food is fuel" or "you are what you eat." This is because your body needs calories and nutrients to function properly. When your diet lacks these components, your health will face the consequences.

What you put into your body directly affects how you feel. Thus, consuming nutrient-rich food improves your body both physically and mentally. However, if you eat unhealthy food, you may notice that you feel more sluggish or less energetic.

The three principles of healthy eating are variety, moderation and balance

A balanced diet involves trying to avoid certain foods where possible. For example, foods high in saturated fat, sugar and salt should be eaten in small amounts and less frequently. A balanced diet contains the correct proportions of each food group. According to the British Nutrition Foundation, it contains starchy foods such as brown rice and potatoes, proteins such as lean meat and fatty fish, dairy products or their substitutes, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Just as a healthy diet provides many benefits to your health and well-being, a poor diet can have numerous negative consequences. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most people do not follow a healthy diet. The CDC estimates that less than 1 in 10 adults consume enough fruits and vegetables. This is because most people fill their diets with processed foods, sugary drinks, saturated fats, and excessive amounts of sodium.

In less than three generations, our food system has changed from mostly from fresh, home-cooked foods to fast food, convenience foods and ultra-processed foods that are convenient and delicious. This change in our food systems has had a marked impact on the type of foods we consume and has contributed to the increasing prevalence of foodborne illnesses worldwide.

Ultra-processed foods are industrialized formulations that can only be prepared under special conditions or in a food processing plant.

They are made from processed food ingredients, chemical components, or synthesized (manually created) in a laboratory from food substrates or other organic sources. They may include trans fats, modified starches, colorings, preservatives, flavorings, enhancers and other additives. They include, but are not limited to snacks, confectionery, energy drinks, soft drinks, cereal bars, cake mixes, sweetened flavored yogurts, ice cream, instant noodles, condiments, sauces, uncooked meats, hot dogs, burgers, pizza, instant soups, fish and chicken nuggets, commercial baked goods, and commercial fried foods.

Ultra-processed foods are tasty, appealing foods that are usually high in kilojoules/calories. They are cheap and increasingly available in the form of fast food, takeaways, convenience foods, confectionery and snacks. They are available in supermarkets, food outlets, gas stations and vending machines.

There is evidence that higher consumption of ultra-processed foods is associated with adverse health outcomes. Over the past sixty years, the focus of nutrition has changed from nutritional quality to convenience. This has completely changed the food environment and food choices. Convenience and taste have overtaken nutritional value as the main reason for people's food choices.

balanced diet
What a person who wants to change their eating style to a healthier one may face:

  • Planning and preparing balanced meals can take more time than eating convenience foods or fast food.
  • Some people may find that buying a variety of fresh produce, lean meats and whole grains is more expensive than buying processed foods.
  • Creating a balanced diet requires some understanding of the different food groups and their nutritional value.
  • Just because a food is considered healthy does not mean it can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Even healthy foods contain calories and can contribute to weight gain if eaten in excess.

Realizing this inconvenience that people face, we created Greespi. This is the opposite of processed food. And at the same time the easiest and most convenient way to balance your diet. So that everyone can get what's good for them every day with simple steps.

Why you should choose the Greespi?

Greespi is a food based on microalgae. We have planned and created a high-tech production facility to have a product capable of making the everyday diet complete.

The potential benefits of adding Greespi to your daily diet are due to its rich nutritional composition, which includes proteins, carbohydrates, essential amino acids, minerals (especially iron), essential fatty acids, vitamins, and pigments. Nutrients in our bodies are processed at the cellular level, affecting the organs that make up the human body, thereby contributing to the maintenance of health.

Greespi is a product created by nature that we carefully cultivate and freeze. Freezing allows us to preserve the benefits without destroying valuable components through thermal processing.

Microalgae also contain rare and highly beneficial substances: chlorophyll, phycocyanin, polysaccharides, and gamma-linolenic acid. These substances have enormous potential for our health. It is the only food source that contains a large amount of essential fatty acids, especially gamma-linolenic acid, which is a type of omega-6, helps regulate all hormones, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Most of Greespi’s food matrix is composed of protein, which can serve as a substitute for animal protein since it contains both non-essential and essential amino acids. One sachet of Greespi adds 14 grams of complete protein to your diet. For comparison, a single chicken egg contains only 6 grams of protein, and you would need to consume almost 160 grams of Greek yogurt to get 17 grams of protein. While eggs and yogurt are undoubtedly healthy foods, we provide this simple comparison to help you evaluate and compare Greespi with familiar foods.

It is especially important to note that the protein in Greespi has not undergone processing, making it particularly beneficial for our gut and friendly microflora. Greespi contains a multitude of B vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, and B12, and minerals such as Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mg, P, Se, Na, and Zn.

Consuming just one portion of Greespi per day is enough to meet the daily requirement of vitamin A, which is about 1 mg/day. Greespi is rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in our bodies, and having sufficient vitamin A in the diet is essential for eye health.

Two servings of Greespi per day will meet the body's folic acid needs and become an unrivaled source of natural chlorophyll. The chlorophyll content in the product is very high. Chlorophyll A pigment is a type of phytonutrient that helps the body cleanse and detoxify.

Greespi contains the pigments chlorophyll and phycocyanin, both of which are powerful antioxidants. Additionally, Greespi is an excellent source of iron (Fe). The iron naturally found in microalgae is absorbed by the body at a rate approximately 60% higher than that of ferrous sulfate, which is commonly included in iron supplements.

Due to the high Fe content and the importance of this substance in treating Fe deficiency (anemia), Greespi is an excellent product for overcoming this condition without side effects on the digestive system.

Thus, Greespi is a light and quick intake of protein-vitamin food. We usually consume it on an empty stomach with a small amount of pure water. It will nourish the body without overloading the stomach in the morning, providing energy and lightness. One serving contains many beneficial substances and only 7 kilocalories. It’s a great way to eat healthily without consuming excess calories.

Greespi is the first meal for people with gastrointestinal problems as it improves the condition of the stomach and intestines. This happens thanks to the large amount of natural chlorophyll, and the product is easily absorbed by our bodies.

Importantly, the product does not contain gluten or common allergens (peanuts, lactose, soy, cocoa, honey), making Greespi a salvation for our clients with dietary restrictions. Adults or children who suffer from celiac disease can consume Greespi and live a more comfortable life. It also does not contain dyes, preservatives, antibiotics, or growth hormones.

Greespi is suitable for people of all ages and has limited contraindications.

Nutrition for the stages of your life

Therefore, to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, it is important for us to:

  • Ensure the right amount of calories based on our level of activity.
  • Maximize the benefits from food so that the body receives all the essential nutrients it needs.


Are nutritional advice and guidelines universal for everyone? For the most part, a healthy diet is important for all ages, for both men and women, although there are some differences.
Women do not need to eat as much as men because, on average, the female body consumes less energy. This is partly because a man's body consists of more muscle mass, while a woman's body contains more fat. Muscles consume much more energy than fat.

Women need more iron. Menstruation can lead to iron deficiency, especially if you have heavy periods or your diet is low in iron. The best source of iron is considered to be red meat. It can also be found in legumes (such as beans and lentils), bread, green vegetables, and fortified breakfast cereals.

As a person gets older, it is important to continue eating well. Changes in the body with age lead to a reduced need for energy (calories). Therefore, it is important to reduce portion sizes if activity is low and to cut back on sugary snacks like cakes and pastries. What children eat and drink in their early years can affect their health for many years to come. Therefore, children especially need a healthy, balanced diet that includes foods from every food group so they receive a wide range of nutrients to help them stay healthy.

In our work, we frequently encounter young women and teenagers suffering from anemia, children who are picky eaters, and older adults who have multiple dietary restrictions for various reasons. Thanks to Greespi, these individuals experience positive changes in their lives. Greespi increases hemoglobin levels and can replace greens or vegetables in the diet that children dislike. For older adults, it is an easily digestible source of protein that does not burden a weaker digestive system.


Nutritional Preferences for Children Under 12 Years

Here, we have outlined some of the benefits of including Greespi in children's diets.

Greespi is rich in a variety of nutrients essential for a child’s physical and mental development. Calcium is necessary for building bones, activating muscles, and blood clotting. Iron helps prevent anemia, supports energy production, and directly affects mood and concentration in children. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in strengthening the body's local defense mechanisms against infections. Zinc is important for growth, wound healing, and immunity. Magnesium is needed for proper heart, nervous system, and digestive function. B vitamins are essential for normal intestinal activity and the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Many families face the challenge of children refusing to eat fruits and vegetables, causing stress and concern for parents and turning mealtimes into a daily struggle. Adding Greespi to children's diets enriches their daily menu with natural vitamins and complete protein, supports immune system strengthening, makes the child's body more resistant to seasonal viruses, and compensates for nutritional deficiencies.

Healthy eating from an early age accounts for 95% of overall health, with only 5% attributed to physical exercise or moderate workouts. Greespi has a neutral taste, making it easy to incorporate into the daily menu. For children, Greespi can be consumed on an empty stomach with water 15 minutes before breakfast, or as part of smoothies, fruit cocktails, or as a standalone snack. Greespi is also beneficial for addressing bowel issues (constipation) in children, which may be related to dysbiosis or antibiotic use. We recommend including Greespi in the diets of children who have difficulty concentrating, poor memory, metabolic disorders, those recovering from illness, or those who are overweight.


Nutrition Plan for Teenagers Aged 13-18

Adolescence is a critical period of growth and development that requires good nutrition. During adolescence, the need for essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and minerals increases, along with an increase in appetite. This makes it crucial to provide teenagers with healthy food.

In adolescence, children begin to experiment with food and may be tempted to eat processed and fast foods like burgers, pizza, fries, etc., which offer no nutritional benefit and instead contain harmful fats, sugars, and salts. They often lack nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that are essential for teenagers, especially during growth spurts. Therefore, it is necessary to provide teenagers with a healthy, nutrient-rich diet. One way to do this is by feeding them a diet rich in:

  • A variety of vegetables, including legumes
  • Different fruits
  • Whole grains, such as bread, cereals, pasta, noodles, oats, and barley
  • Lean meats, eggs, fish, nuts, and seeds
  • Milk, yogurt, and cheese


Which Foods Should Be Limited in a Child's Diet?

Some foods are not essential in a child's diet. These are known as "discretionary foods," and they generally contain high amounts of kilojoules, saturated fats, added sugars, or added salt. While small amounts of discretionary foods can be consumed occasionally within a balanced diet, it is important to limit these foods in your child's daily diet. Excessive consumption of discretionary foods can lead to weight gain and increase the risk of developing health issues later in life.

Examples of Foods to Limit:

  • Sweet cookies, cakes, and desserts
  • Processed meats and sausages
  • Ice cream, pastries, and chocolate
  • Store-bought burgers, pizza, spicy chips, and fried foods
  • Chips and other fatty and/or salty snacks
  • Creams and butter
  • Sugary sweetened liqueurs and soft drinks

Of course, while this information may not be very popular, to help a teenager develop healthy eating habits, it is important to set a good example yourself.


Nutrition Choices for Adults and the Elderly

The importance of a balanced diet, especially for the elderly, cannot be overstated. Older adults often require fewer calories due to decreased physical activity, but they need more specific nutrients, such as vitamin B12 and vitamin D. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help meet these needs.

In addition to providing energy, healthy eating can also help prevent or manage common health conditions in older adults, including heart disease and osteoporosis. For example, vitamin B12 supports nervous system function, impacting brain health and mood. Vitamin B12 and other specific nutrients may be harder to absorb from food for older adults.

It is especially important for older adults to consume enough high-quality protein at least twice a day, which can be a challenge due to a reduced appetite or difficulty chewing tough foods. Two servings of Greespi provide 28 grams of complete protein, which can be easily absorbed by the elderly without the effort of cooking and chewing. Microalgae have a delicate structure, making them easy to digest and gentle on the digestive system. Since Greespi is entirely natural, it is an excellent choice for supporting the health of our parents.

Just as a growing child's body needs building blocks from food (complete protein, healthy fats, and quality carbohydrates), adults also depend on their food choices. Adults can benefit from regularly consuming Greespi, alongside vegetables, fruits, quality fish, and farm-fresh natural products. Given that we often have many reasons or excuses to avoid eating something healthy, we suggest trying Greespi and incorporating it into your daily routine to benefit from this natural source.

concept of balanced nutrition


Concept of Balanced Nutrition

Good nutrition means that we eat a variety of whole foods that we enjoy, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, plant-based proteins, and low-fat dairy products. When we consume these foods frequently and consistently—rather than opting for carbohydrate-laden fast foods or processed packaged items—we can improve our overall daily energy levels. This can enhance our long-term health and help prevent many chronic diseases. To improve the quality of modern diets, which sometimes lack fresh food, we cultivate microalgae.

Due to its rich nutrient profile, Greespi is not only a valuable source of vitamins and minerals but also a functional food product. Functional food refers to foods that provide additional health benefits beyond the basic nutritional value. While some may view this as just a marketing buzzword, for us, it means that the product is unique and, above all, exceptionally beneficial for health.

When You Eat Greespi, You Receive Special Daily Benefits:

  1. Prebiotic: Prebiotics help beneficial bacteria grow and function effectively in the digestive system for our benefit. A healthy microbiota ensures proper digestion and absorption of essential nutrients from any food. It also helps combat intestinal infections. The prebiotic effect is due to the special polysaccharides in Greespi.
  2. Active Antioxidants: Greespi contains a substance called phycocyanin, a powerful antioxidant that prevents oxidative stress, which can lead to premature aging and disease.
  3. Immune Support: This includes vitamins, polysaccharides with antiviral properties, and antioxidants such as phycocyanin, beta-carotene, and chlorophyll.
  4. High Bioavailable Iron Content: Helps combat anemia.

Proteins, Polysaccharides, Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Vitamins, Carotenoids, and Other Bioactive Compounds Give Greespi Numerous Therapeutic Properties That Can Enhance Quality of Life and Health.It is important to remember that some individuals have specific dietary restrictions. These may be due to health conditions (allergies, intolerances) or personal dietary choices (vegetarianism, veganism). Greespi is especially valuable because it is a completely vegetarian food source and contains complete protein. It can be used in the diet of individuals with sensitive digestive systems (those sensitive to legumes or dairy products, frequent bloating, constipation, dysbiosis).

With Greespi, it's easy to balance your diet and ensure that natural vitamins and minerals are included every day. Many people have improved their quality of life and health with this product.


Food-Related Diseases Are Currently a Leading Cause of Preventable Illnesses and Deaths. Types of food-related diseases include:

  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Dementia
  • Liver Disease
  • Many Common Types of Cancer
  • Musculoskeletal Problems Increasing the Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders
  • Poor Mental Health

There is an obvious benefit in preventing these diseases; if we can avoid health problems related to diet, we should strive to do so.

It’s important to know that these risk factors are modifiable: insufficient physical activity, chronic stress, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, poor dietary habits, excessive calorie intake, and high sugar consumption. There are many recommendations for proper and balanced nutrition today. They generally advise avoiding junk food and focusing on whole, fresh foods. However, following these guidelines can sometimes be more challenging than it seems. Not all of us are at the point where we are ready to start fresh the next day with new, healthy rules.

Often, claims about the benefits or harms of foods can be confusing, and product labels can be misleading. Don’t be tempted to give up on changing your lifestyle and diet. With Greespi, the process will be easier, as it is a concentrated source of essential nutrients.

“We hope to earn your trust not with empty headlines and promises but with the results you will experience. We are always happy to see your attention to the materials we publish on our website and social media. Feel free to reach out to us with your questions. We do what we love, so we are pleased to respond to you.”

Відповіді (4)

Abramova Armina
7 months ago
υπέροχο άρθρο! ευχαριστώ για τις πληροφορίες😍🧡
Tata Grabovska
7 months ago
Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ για τα σχόλιά σας🙌💕
Alim Kunakh
7 months ago
Very informative article. I learned some things just now after reading this post. Thank you!
Tata Grabovska
7 months ago
when we support each other, we become better and stronger!💪